The Migraine World Summit: Modelling Neurological Disease

I was asked earlier this year to contribute to a series of video lectures from over 30 world leading migraine experts, doctors and specialists. I happily agreed and here is the result. The video is open access only for a short period, so watch it now. Here is a brief introduction.


He develops computational models of neurological diseases in which massive changes in the energy state of neurons play a major role, e.g., in migraine, stroke, & epilepsy. The aim is not only to better understand these diseases but also to identify new opportunities how to translate this research into therapeutical methods that intervene. This takes him all over the world to places such as Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital. & Cardiovascular Physics at Humboldt University Berlin.


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Markus Dahlem forscht seit über 20 Jahren über Migräne, hat Gastpositionen an der HU Berlin und am Massachusetts General Hospital. Außerdem ist er Geschäftsführer und Mitgründer des Berliner eHealth-Startup Newsenselab, das die Migräne- und Kopfschmerz-App M-sense entwickelt.

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