Notes from Monday: If you are a young scientist, …

BLOG: Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Laureates of mathematics and computer science meet the next generation
Heidelberg Laureate Forum

“If you are a young scientist, put yourself in the environment of a real genius. You will learn so much, you never expected.”

Ed Feigenbaum during the afternoon panel discussion.

“Evidence from pure thought: No-one has succeeded in finding a counterexample.”
Quote out of Leslie G. Valiant’s presentation aboutLearning as the Source of Life’s Phenomena’

3 Stages of information revolution

Invention of Writing 3000BCE

Invention of Printing 1450 century

Invetion of Computers 1950 – passive knowledge into active knowledge.

Presented by Raj Reddy

‘If you can’t fix it, feature it’
Practical way by Curtis T. McMullen, who now talks about Billiards and Moduli Spaces

Cutting Sequences on the Double Pentagon, explained through dance from Diana Davis on Vimeo.

McMullen showed Diana Davis PhD-Thesis: Cutting Sequences on the Double Pentagon, explained through dance – as an example of new and nice forms for presentations

Stephen Smale during his lecture at #hlf13
CC Beatrice Lugger

Stephen Smale explained the mathematics behind protein folding on the blackboard

1977 linear time logic

a          ‘a is true now’

Xa       ‘a is true in the neXt state’

Fa        ‘a will be true in the Future’

Ga       ‘a will be Globally true in the future’

aUb     ‘a will hold true Until b becomes true’

Edmund Melson Clarke – explained: “Model checking forwards and backwards.”

What influences evolution?
Slide by Leslie Valiant – presented during his talk at #hlf13

“You can’t change your DNA by having a certain experience. This is not efficient enough.”

Out of Leslie G. Valiant’s talk aboutLearning as the Source of Life’s Phenomena’

“If a new technology comes in, it does not have to replace the old ones. The master shall not become the slave of his servants.”

Alan Kay, panel discussion

“It is hard to imagine an area, where computers haven’t had an impact.”

John Hopcroft, panel discussion

„If you find a red-hot area, go somewhere else. Find an area with few people and close to the frontier of knowledge.“

Ed Feigenbaum, panel discussion

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ist stellvertretende Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des Nationalen Instituts für Wissenschaftskommunikation (Nawik), Karlsruhe. Sie koordiniert dieses Konferenzblog. Beatrice ist Diplom-Chemikerin und seit über 20 Jahren als Wissenschaftsjournalistin für diverse deutsche Magazine und Tageszeitungen aktiv. Als Social Media Expertin hat sie unter anderem die Scienceblogs in Deutschland aufgebaut. In ihrem Blog ‚Quantensprung‘ und in ihren Tweets als @BLugger schreibt sie vornehmlich über Wissenschaftskommunikation.

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